The Eidolon Rides To War

Can you hear the susurrous of brushes and crazed muttering of gamers as they prepare for a convention?

Arc40K, Melbourne’s longest running 40K tournament is this weekend, so I’m sure lots of folk are madly putting the finishing touches on their armies. Well, I’m ready, but given I only had part of one model to paint, this isn’t so surprising. It was, however, a model that has languished for years unfinished. Fear my Helldrake, it is finally ready to fly over the the grimdark battlefields of the far future!

A bit of mobility and firepower for my Wordbearer coven, most of which I think may have already appeared on this blog over the years. They’re getting on a bit, but I’m reasonably happy with them and it will be fun to have on the table again.

Plus the daemonettes I shared last-time. Lot’s of them.

Maybe I’ll see you across a table.

Happy gaming.

6 thoughts on “The Eidolon Rides To War

  1. Looking great here Dave. Best of luck for the weekend as well. Perhaps we will need to meet across a table one day as we’re both in Melbourne. Would you consider that Helldrake to be a …Neglected Model? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Terrain & Neglected Models Paint Challenge February 2019 – Community Round-Up | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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