Sisters and Grey Knights to the rescue

Faith & Steel are pleased to report that Dr. Elphinstone Mercator, along with certain mysterious artefacts, have been rescued from heretics and aliens by a combined Sisters of Battle-Grey Knights force.


Dr. Mercator sent out a distress signal from his research station on XT-1984, a world accessible by permit only due to the prevalence of xeno-archaeology, after he became aware of a combined Tau-Chaos threat. How the Tau and Chaos came to be operating together is uncertain.  Indicative of the importance placed on Dr Mercator’s work, a rapid-response Sisters of Battle force was available in orbit, who deployed immediately.  A Grey Knight company also linked with the Sisters – their presence unexpected but welcome. Inquisition spokes-servitors would not comment on “operational matters” beyond noting that the company has been tracking a recurring source of daemonic incursions for some time.

There you have it folks: War was had over the weekend. Two on two, Tau and Chaos versus Sisters and Grey Knights, 3,000 points a side. The Imperium won out this time, rescuing the archaeologist and capturing three mysterious objectives.

With multiple players still learning 7th ed, we kept things simple. Purely by chance we all had bound lists and at least one psyker on each side.  We set up three objectives (scattered randomly) along the centre line. We also decided on a xeno-archaeologist and used the same rules as the relic to represent his capture or rescue.

Pictures follow.

The Tau go hard early and grab the archaeologist

The Tau go hard early and grab the archaeologist

A gutsy deep strike from a Nemesis dreadnought takes out the Tau Ethereal, turning the game

Chaos' turn to seize Dr Mercator

Chaos’ turn to seize Dr Mercator

But the Sisters and GK win out

Chaos Lord goes hard, but not hard enough

Chaos Lord goes hard, but not hard enough

Saint Celestine's finest moment: purging the heretics with fire and sword

Saint Celestine’s finest moment: purging the heretics with fire and sword

Thanks James (Grey Knights), John (Sisters) and Oli (Tau) for a great day of gaming.

Until next time – I’ll be back as soon as Slaneesh lets me have some more daemonettes (I don’t think this is the last we will hear of the mysterious XT-1984)


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